Nissodium is a world class chemistry for powdery mildew with unique mode of action control both primary and secondary infection. Nissodium has japanese technology with preventive & curative action to protect the plants against Powdery Mildew. Its five action formula not only control all the disease causing stages of fungus but gives the longer duration effective control. Its unique EW formulation makes it more effective with high level of crop safety against disease. Its registered in many countries like EU, Japan, USA, Korea, Australia and Canada etc. which is now available in India.
It’s a new chemistry with unique fast penetrative action due to its molecular structure. Fast penetration help in faster and better control of Powdery Mildew. After fast penetration, it exhibits translaminar action and moves to other side of the leaf fast. Vapor action improves control of disease in dense canopy as the vapor activity covers the chemical on the same leaf and the adjoining leafs too. As a result, there is thorough coverage with no wastage of chemical.
As a result of the above 3 actions Nissodium exhibit following actions:
• Prophylactic
• Curative
• Residual (long duration control)
Target Pest/ Disease
Dose per acre
Target Pest/ Disease
Dose per acre
Pack size 60 ml, 120 ml, 200 ml
Features & Benefits
- Five action formula
- Unique EW formulation
- Lush green & healthy Crop Canopy.
- Clear Visible results in 2-3 days of spraying.
- Tendrils appears as soft which act as a support for the branches to hold weight of the bunches.
- More freshness and healthier bunches.
- Less berry drop and firm berries.Lush green & healthy Crop Canopy.