

The major environmental challenges faced by Indian agriculture include, how to conserve our basic agricultural assets such as land, water, and biodiversity and how to make agriculture sustainable? Farming is sensitive to short term and long term climate changes. Both of these kinds of changes affect farming directly (due to change in temperature, precipitation and/or CO2 levels) and indirectly (through changes in soil, distribution and frequency of infestation by pests, insects, diseases or weeds). These environmental issues have already affected many crops in India. To handle these challenges, attention needs to be paid to soil, irrigation water, nutrients, crops and their management practices, to sustain the productivity and to ensure food and environmental security to the country.
Dhanuka Agritech limited is working on these issues and spreading information amongst farmers. Dhanuka Agritech is regularly encouraging good agricultural practices such as use of modern technologies, optimum use of fertilizers and green manure according to soil test report for better soil health, crop insurance, use of hybrid seeds, judicious use of agrochemicals, saving water in agriculture through use of drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation technique etc. Dhanuka is also educating farmers not to burn crop residue in field.

An estimated 1.3 billion workers are engaged in agricultural production worldwide. This represents half of the total world labour force. Only 9% of agricultural workers are in industrialized countries. Almost 60% of them are in developing countries. A great majority of agricultural workers are found in Asia, which is the most densely populated region of the world, with more than 40% of the world's agricultural population concentrated in China and more than 20% in India
Dhanuka Agritech Limited under its aspiration “Transforming India through Agriculture” is highlighting their approach of DKKNT (Dhanuka Kheti Ki Nai Takneek), which is focused on providing end-to-end farming solutions through training and educating farmers. Under this approach, the company aims to minimize the crop losses and improve crop yield. Dhanuka Agritech is also distributing safety kits to farmers for personal protection and encourage good agricultural practices during their farmers meetings and other programs.

Dhanuka Agritech Limited (DAL) has been involved in number of community welfare programs under its CSR initiatives to assist in the sustainable development of society. It strives to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the society in which it operates by laying special emphasis on promoting education, eradication of hunger, poverty and mal-nutrition, conservation of water, deployment of water for agriculture and human use. All projects are planned in a participatory manner with the local community by gauging their basic needs. Presently, DAL undertakes CSR activities that aims at improving the lives of the agricultural and rural community holistically. In the last financial year, Company’s development projects in Delhi, Rajasthan (Ratangarh, Udaipur and Jaipur), Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh (Mathura and Vrindavan) Tamil Nadu (Coimbatore) and other areas across India have benefitted farmers, senior citizens, children, differently abled people and rural community.
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It was nearly a decade ago recognizing the impending scarcity of water, Dhanuka Agritech Ltd came up with a massive campaign "Gaon Ka Pani Gaon Mein, Aur Khet Ka Pani Khet Mein" to create mass awareness about conservation and judicious use of water. The Company is extremely happy to note that organization’s vision has been beautifully aligned with Government of India’s agenda regarding water conservation for irrigation. The Government of India recognizes the importance of Water Conservation, Micro-irrigation, Watershed Development and ‘Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana’; enhanced water efficiency through `Per Drop More Crop’.
Every year since 2010 Dhanuka is celebrating World Water Day on 22nd of March in partnership with prestigious National Institutes, State Agricultural Universities etc. where lectures on water conservation & reuse of water are organized. In addition to this, drawing competition on ‘Conservation of Water’ theme in schools is undertaken, a sixty seconds documentary on - Insaan Paani Bana Toh Nahi Sakta Par Bacha Jaroor Sakta Hai, highlights the importance of water conservation. Informative pamphlets, posters and banners depicting the need to save water are displayed across multiple touchpoints. Yagnas as per Hindu mythology to please the Rain Gods are being regularly undertaken for a good monsoon. The Company has constructed five check dams in Jugalpura, Devipura (District Sikar), Mainpura ki Dhani, Sankotra and Kothputli (Jaipur district), Rajasthan. These dams are expected to benefit approximately 10,000 households having a population of over 50,000.