Sugarcane Cultivation – Package of Practice
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Sugarcane Cultivation – Package of Practice

ByOctober 08, 2021 Publisher
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Sugar Industry in India is the second-largest agro based Industry, next to cotton. It caters to around 50 million farmers and their families. The Indian Sugar Industry consist of about 525 sugar mills, 200 distilleries and 260 cogeneration plants. Sugarcane is cultivated commercially in about 115 countries of the world, occupying 26 million hectare area with a total production of nearly 1900 million tons (FAOSTAT 2018)

Sugarcane is primarily used for sugar production but is also used as raw material for value-added products like feed, fibre and energy, especially bio-fuel and cogeneration. Ethanol production and cogeneration of electricity in sugarcane factories have enhanced the importance of sugarcane in the national economy. One sugar factory, on average, produces about 10.0 tons of raw sugar, 30.0 (range 27.0-33.0) tons of bagasse, 4.5 (range 4.0-5.4) tons of molasses, 3.5-3.9 tons of filter/press mud, 0.3 tons of furnace ash, 1200 (range 1125-1300) litres of alcohol by molasses route and 10,000 kW⋅h surplus electricity from every 100 tons of cane crushed (Sharma et al., 2015).

States Area million hectare (2018-19) Percent Share Number of Sugar Mills*
Uttar Pradesh 2.22 43.49 117
Maharashtra 1.16 22.74 139
Karnataka 0.51 9.90 73
Tamil Nadu 0.16 3.23 41
Gujarat 0.17 3.27 21
Bihar 0.23 4.41 11
Andhra Pradesh 0.10 1.99 28
Punjab 0.10 1.86 17
Haryana 0.09 1.84 14
Madhya Pradesh 0.12 2.31 4+21
Uttarakhand 0.09 1.78 09
Telangana 0.04 0.78 09
Rest of India 0.12 2.41 -
All India 5.11 100.00 -

• Tropical & Sub-tropical

• Tropical zone covers Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa and Tamil Nadu.

• Sub-tropical zone covers Bihar, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh

SN Nutrients Low Medium High
1 Organic carbon (%) Less than 0.5 0.5-0.75 More than 0.75
2 Available nitrogen (kg/ha) Less than 280 280-560 More than 560
3 Available phosphorus (kg/ha) Less than 10 10-24.6 More than 24.6
4 Available phosphorus (kg/ha) Less than 108 108-180 More than 180

Planting season Low Medium High
Nitrogen (kg/ha) Phosphorus (kg/ha) Potash (kg/ha) Nitrogen (kg/ha) Phosphorus (kg/ha) Potash (kg/ha) Nitrogen (kg/ha) Phosphorus (kg/ha) Potash (kg/ha)
Autumn 200 80 60 178 60 40 90 - -
Spring 180 80 60 160 60 40 80 - -

Fertilizer Nutrients Coefficients
Amount of Urea Nitrogen 2.2
Amount of SSP Phosphate 6.0
Amount of Meurate of Potash Potash 1.7

States Area (Lakh hectare) Main Planting Season
Uttar Pradesh 22.2 EUP- Oct. – Nov 15%
EUP Feb. – March - 80%
EUP April -5%
WUP – Oct. – Nov. - 10%
WUP Feb. – March - 15%
WUP April - 75%
Punjab 1.0 Feb. – March 75-80%
Sep. – Oct. 20%
Haryana 0.9 Mar. - Apr. - 70%
Feb. – March - 30%
Bihar 2.3 April 70%
Feb.- March - 30%
Gujarat 1.7 Sep. – Nov. 90%
Dec. – Jan 10%
Maharashtra 11.6 July – Oct. 75%
Dec. – March 25%
Karnataka 5.1 May – June 50%
Oct. – Nov. 30%
Jan. – Feb. 20%
Tamil Nadu 1.6 Dec. - Feb. 75%
March - April 25%
Andhra Pradesh 1.0 Dec. - Jan. 70%
Feb. - March 30%

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Sugarcane Cultivation – Package of Practice

Sugarcane Cultivation – Package of Practice

ByOctober 08, 2021